Roller Disco – Open Roller Skate Night

NORTHERN CREDIT UNION COMMUNITY CENTRE 300 Wessex Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Come roller skate with us at our roller disco where there will be music, lights, and rental skates.


Roller Skating 101 – 7 week program

NORTHERN CREDIT UNION COMMUNITY CENTRE 300 Wessex Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Over 7 weeks learn the basics of roller skating. This intake will run for 7 weeks starting May 15th on Thursday nights from 6:30 - 8:00 PM. Visit our Skating 101 page to find out more and register! 

NCRD Away Game with Nipissing Roller Derby

Sudbury's home team the Nickels and Dames of Nickel City Roller Derby will be bouting in a double header hosted by Nipissing Roller Derby! This is an away game. Nipissing Roller Derby will have their own event details and guest ticket pricing.   

Roller Disco – Open Roller Skate Night

NORTHERN CREDIT UNION COMMUNITY CENTRE 300 Wessex Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Come roller skate with us at our roller disco where there will be music, lights, and rental skates.


Referee Training Clinic and Scrimmage

NORTHERN CREDIT UNION COMMUNITY CENTRE 300 Wessex Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Save the date! NCRD is hosting a roller derby referee training camp and a scrimmage. Stay tuned for more details as we develop this incredible event.  Registration and event details will be coming soon.

Roller Skating 101 – 7 week program

NORTHERN CREDIT UNION COMMUNITY CENTRE 300 Wessex Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Over 7 weeks learn the basics of roller skating. This intake will run for 7 weeks starting July 17th on Thursday nights from 6:30 - 8:00 PM. Visit our Skating 101 page to find out more and register! 

Roller Disco – Open Roller Skate Night

NORTHERN CREDIT UNION COMMUNITY CENTRE 300 Wessex Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Come roller skate with us at our roller disco where there will be music, lights, and rental skates.


NCRD Nickel and Dames VS Royal City Bout

NORTHERN CREDIT UNION COMMUNITY CENTRE 300 Wessex Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Join in and cheer on Sudbury's home team the Nickels and Dames of Nickel City Roller Derby as they battle it out on the track VS Royal City from Guelph. Each period will be 30 minutes with a 15 minute half time. Bar and restaurant available on the upper floor of the curling club. VS


NCRD Nickel and Dames VS Niagara Roller Derby

Join in and cheer on Sudbury's home team the Nickels and Dames of Nickel City Roller Derby as they battle it out on the track VS Niagara Roller Derby. Each period will be 30 minutes with a 15-minute half-time. Bar and restaurant available on the upper floor of the curling club.

NCRD Roller Skaters Reunion – Private Event

NORTHERN CREDIT UNION COMMUNITY CENTRE 300 Wessex Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Private event: Past NCRD roller derby players, referees, and NSO alumni are welcome to join us for our 'high school' reunion disco skate! Sold your skates? Don't worry we will have our rentals available. Expect lights, music, and roller skating. Don't worry we won't be doing any roller derby drills or hits. This event is [...]
